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A meeting was held at ASK with a delegation from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

A meeting was held at the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic…

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The next meeting of tourism industry participants was held

On July 29, a meeting dedicated to COP29 was held by the "Work on tourism…

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Türk İnvestisiya Fondundan gözləntilər - İTV-nin sujeti
TİF-in nizamnamə kapitalı 20% artırılıb - "Türk dünyası strateji-iqtisadi dəhlizə çevrilir"
“Türk İnvestisiya Fondu və TCCI: Biznes Liderləri üçün Məlumatlandırma Görüşü və B2B” keçirilib
İş adamı hansı halda yoxlamaya gələn şəxsi obyektinə buraxmaya bilər?

Bolqarıstanda biznes imkanları

Hörmətli sahibkar! Sizi, Azərbaycan Sahibkarlar Konfederasiyasının Facebook platforması üzərindən təşkil olunan növbəti onlayn seminarda iştirak etməyə…

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Training on “Recent changes in tax code” will be held

Dear entrepreneurs! We invite you to take part in informative seminar on "Recent Changes in…

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Third International Textile and Fashion Industry Exhibition – UzTextile Expo 2021

UzTextile Expo is the unique international specialized exhibition of textile and fashion industry in Uzbekistan.…

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Investment projects to be implemented in Namangan and Tashkent regions of Uzbekistan

Agrocluster to be organized by FRUITS SEASON GROUP FRUITS SEASON GROUP, which first started operating…

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What steps should be taken for the development of SMEs?

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